November 2023
1 (Wednesday)
- TV: The Office s8e20
- Graphic Novel: Bone (Book 9, Chapter 1-2)
- TV: The Patient s1e09-e10•
- Graphic Novel: The Lost Carnival (pp 35-198) /f/
- Book: Slow Horses (pp 1-22)
2 (Thursday)
- Graphic Novel: Bone (Book 9, Chapter 3-4)
- TV: Reservation Dogs s1e01-e02
- Book: Slow Horses (pp 23-82)
3 (Friday)
- Graphic Novel: Bone (Book 9, Chapter 5-6)
- TV: Reservation Dogs s1e03-e08•
- Book: Slow Horses (pp 83-94)
4 (Saturday)
- Graphic Novel: Bone (Book 9, Chapter 7-8) /f/
- TV: Reservation Dogs s2e01-e06
- Book: Slow Horses (pp 95-227)
5 (Sunday)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 1-25)
- TV: Reservation Dogs s2e07-e10•
- TV: Loki s2e01
- Book: Slow Horses (pp 228-334) {S} /f/
- Book: Fadeout (pp 1-42)
6 (Monday)
- TV: Last Week Tonight s10e16
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 26-47)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e10
- Book: Fadeout (pp 43-88)
7 (Tuesday)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 48-59)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e11
- TV: Loki s2e02-e03
- Book: Fadeout (pp 89-166) {S} /f/
- Comic: Batman vs Robin (2022) #1-2
8 (Wednesday)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 60-77)
- TV: Loki s2e04-e05
- TV: The Office s8e21
- Comic: Batman vs Robin (2022) #3-5
9 (Thursday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e12-e14
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 78-99)
- Video Game: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- TV: Loki s2e06•
- Book: Death Claims (pp 1-8)
10 (Friday)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 100-123)
- Video Game: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e15
- TV: Reservation Dogs s3e01-e05
- Book: Death Claims (pp 9-84)
11 (Saturday)
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 5)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 124-149)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e16-e17
- TV: Reservation Dogs s3e06
- Book: Death Claims (pp 85-184) {S} /f/
- Film: Anatomy of a Fall (2023) {T} A
- Graphic Novel: Noir Burlesque /f/
12 (Sunday)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 150-172)
- TV: Reservation Dogs s3e07-e10•
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e18
- Comic: Samurai Doggy (2022) #1-6
- Comic: DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead (2022) #1-6
- Book: Troublemaker (pp 1-130)
13 (Monday)
- TV: Last Week Tonight s10e17
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 173-201)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e19
- Book: Troublemaker (pp 131-163) {S} /f/
- Book: Dead Lions (pp 1-6)
14 (Tuesday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e20-e21
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 202-235)
- TV: Taskmaster s13e01
- Book: Dead Lions (pp 7-44)
15 (Wednesday)
- TV: The Office s8e22
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 236-273)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e22
- TV: Taskmaster s13e02-e03
- Film: The Marvels (2023) {T} A-
- Book: Dead Lions (pp 45-49)
16 (Thursday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e23-e24•
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 274-299)
- TV: Taskmaster s13e04
- Film: The Holdovers (2023) {T} A+
17 (Friday)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 300-347)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s2e25
- TV: Taskmaster s13e05-e06
- Book: Dead Lions (pp 50-78)
18 (Saturday)
- TV: Taskmaster s13e07-e10•
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 348-389)
- Film: Ghostbusters (2016) B-
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 6)
- Book: Dead Lions (pp 79-232)
19 (Sunday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e01
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 390-437)
- Book: Dead Lions (pp 233-347) {S} /f/
- Book: Real Tigers (pp 1-50)
20 (Monday)
- TV: Last Week Tonight s10e18
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 438-463)
- Film: Night and Fog (1955) A+
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e02
- Book: Real Tigers (pp 51-103)
21 (Tuesday)
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 464-511)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e03
- Film: The French Dispatch (2021) C
- Book: Real Tigers (pp 104-163)
22 (Wednesday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e04
- Book: The Complete Kirby War & Romance (pp 512-592)
- Book: Real Tigers (pp 164-215)
23 (Thursday)
- Comic: Mickey Mouse (1930) {Daily strip} 1930/04/01-1930/04/30
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e05
- Book: Real Tigers (pp 216-236)
24 (Friday)
- Comic: Battlefield (1952) #1
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e06-e07
- Book: Real Tigers (pp 237-308) {S} /f/
25 (Saturday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e08
- Video Game: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
26 (Sunday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e09
- Video Game: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- Comic: Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1-10, Annual #1
27 (Monday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e10-e11
- Video Game: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- Comic: Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #11-15
- Comic: Superman: Rebirth (2016) #1
28 (Tuesday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e12-e13
- Video Game: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- TV: Slow Horses (2022) s3e01
- Comic: Superman (2016) #1-2
29 (Wednesday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e14
- Video Game: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- Comic: Superman (2016) #3-6
- TV: Slow Horses (2022) s3e02
30 (Thursday)
- TV: DuckTales (2017) s3e15
- Video Game: Super Mario Bros. Wonder {NS} /b/
- Comic: Superman (2016) #7-13, Annual #1