March 2024
1 (Friday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) 1939/02
- TV: Arthur s9e07
- Comic: The Question (1987) #15-16
2 (Saturday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) 1939/03
- Film: My Fair Lady (1964) A-
- Comic: The Question (1987) #17-19
- Comic: Detective Comics (1937) Annual #1988
3 (Sunday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) 1939/04
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 18)
- Comic: Green Arrow (1987) Annual #1988
- Comic: The Question (1987) #20-24, Annual #1988
- TV: Masters of the Air s1e07
4 (Monday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-05
- TV: Arthur s9e08
- TV: Last Week Tonight s11e03
- Comic: The Question (1987) #25-27
- Comic: Balder the Brave (1985) #1-3
5 (Tuesday)
- TV: Arthur s9e09-e10•
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-06
- Comic: Balder the Brave (1985) #4
- Film: Becket (1964) B+
- Comic: Colonia (1998) #1
6 (Wednesday)
- TV: Arthur s10e01-e03
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-07
- Film: Dr. Strangelove (1964) A-
- Comic: Colonia (1998) #2-4
7 (Thursday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-08
- TV: Arthur s10e04
- Film: Zorba the Greek (1964) B-
- Comic: Colonia (1998) #5-7
8 (Friday)
- TV: Arthur s10e05-e06
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-01
- Film: Mary Poppins (1964) A
- Comic: Colonia (1998) #8-11
9 (Saturday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-10
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 19)
- TV: Masters of the Air s1e08
- Film: DUNE (2021) A
- Comic: Batman: The Cult (1988) #1-3
10 (Sunday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-11
- Comic: Batman: The Cult (1988) #4
- Comic: The Question (1987) #28-31, Annual #1989
- Comic: Green Arrow (1987) Annual #1989
11 (Monday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1939-12
- TV: Last Week Tonight s11e04
- TV: Arthur s10e07
12 (Tuesday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-01
- TV: Arthur s10e08-e09
- Comic: The Question (1987) #32
13 (Wednesday)
- TV: The Office s9e08
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-02
- TV: Arthur s10e10•
- Comic: The Question (1987) #33-36
- Comic: Green Arrow (1987) Annual #1990
- Comic: The Question Quarterly (1990) #1
14 (Thursday)
- TV: Arthur s11e01-e02
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-03
- Comic: The Question Quarterly (1990) #2-5
15 (Friday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-04
- Comic: The Brave and the Bold (1991) #1-3
16 (Saturday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-05
- TV: Masters of the Air s1e09•
- Film: The Shaggy Dog (1959) B+
- Comic: The Brave and the Bold (1991) #4-6
- Comic: Showcase ’95 (1995) #3
17 (Sunday)
- TV: Arthur s11e04
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-06
- Comic: Azrael Plus (1996) #1
- Comic: The Question Returns (1997) #1
- Film: Doctor Zhivago (1965) B-
- Comic: Power of the Atom (1988) #1-5
18 (Monday)
- TV: Last Week Tonight s11e05
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-07
- TV: Arthur s11e05-e06
- Comic: Power of the Atom (1988) #6-18
- Comic: Creepshow (2023) #1-5
- Comic: Creepshow Holiday Special (2023) #2023
19 (Tuesday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-08
- TV: Arthur s11e07
- Film: Darling (1965) B
- Comic: Detective Comics (1937) #575-576
20 (Wednesday)
- TV: The Office s9e09
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-09
- TV: Arthur s11e08
- Film: Ship of Fools (1965) B-
- Comic: Detective Comics (1937) #577-578
- Comic: Batman (1940) #436-438
21 (Thursday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-10
- TV: Arthur s11e09-e10•
- Comic: Batman (1940) #439, #432-434
- Film: The Sound of Music (1965) A+
22 (Friday)
- TV: Arthur s12e01-e02
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-11
- Comic: Batman (1940) #435
- Comic: Batman: Gotham Nights (1992) #1-4
23 (Saturday)
- Comic: Terry and the Pirates (1934) #1940-12
- Film: The Bloody Hundredth (2024) A
- Film: Victoria & Abdul (2017) A-
24 (Sunday)
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 20)
- TV: Arthur s12e03
- Film: DUNE: Part Two (2024) {T} A-
- Comic: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (1999) #1-2
25 (Monday)
- TV: Arthur s12e04
- Film: A Thousand Clowns (1965) A-
- Comic: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (1999) #3-6
26 (Tuesday)
- TV: Arthur s12e05-e06
- Comic: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2002) #1-2
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 1-73)
27 (Wednesday)
- TV: Arthur s12e07
- Comic: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2002) #3-6
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 74-97)
28 (Thursday)
- TV: Arthur s12e08-e09
- Graphic Novel: Pulp /f/
- Comic: Loki: Agent of Asgard (2014) #1-3
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 98-129)
29 (Friday)
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 130-149)
30 (Saturday)
- TV: Taskmaster s17e01
- Comic: Loki: Agent of Asgard (2014) #4-5
- Film: Singin’ in the Rain (1952) A
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 150-177)
- Comic: Original Sin (2014) #5.1-5.5
31 (Sunday)
- TV: Arthur s12e10•
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 178-197)
- Comic: Loki: Agent of Asgard (2014) #6-7