April 2024
1 (Monday)
- TV: Last Week Tonight s11e06
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 198-221)
- TV: Arthur s13e01
- Comic: Loki: Agent of Asgard (2014) #8-17
- Graphic Novel: Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business /f/
2 (Tuesday)
- Book: The Best of Simon and Kirby (pp 222-240) /f/
- Comic: Skyward (2013) #1-8
3 (Wednesday)
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #1-2
- Comic: Skyward (2013) #9, FCBD #2014
- Comic: Mister E (1991) #1-4
- TV: Arthur s13e02
- Comic: Nightwing: The New Order (2017) #1-4
4 (Thursday)
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #3-4
- Comic: Nightwing: The New Order (2017) #5-6
- Comic: Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013) #1-6
- TV: Arthur s13e03
5 (Friday)
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #5-6
- Comic: Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013) #7-12, Annual #1
- TV: Arthur s13e04
- Comic: Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two (2013) #1-6
- Film: The Ladykillers (1955) A-
- TV: Taskmaster s17e02
6 (Saturday)
- TV: Arthur s13e05-e06
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #7-8
- Comic: Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two (2013) #7-12, Annual #1
- Live Theatre: Clue
7 (Sunday)
- TV: Arthur s13e07-e08
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #9-10
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 21)
- Film: The Sand Pebbles (1966) C+
- Comic: Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three (2014) #1-12, Annual #1
- Book: The Little Liar (pp 1-27)
8 (Monday)
- TV: Last Week Tonight s11e07
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #11-12
- TV: Arthur s13e09
- Film: Alfie (1966) B+
- Book: The Little Liar (pp 28-134)
9 (Tuesday)
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #0, #13
- TV: Arthur s13e10•
- Film: A Man for All Seasons (1966) A-
- Book: The Little Liar (pp 135-224)
10 (Wednesday)
- TV: The Office s9e10
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #14-15
- TV: Arthur s14e01
- Film: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) A-
- Book: The Little Liar (pp 225-275)
11 (Thursday)
- TV: Arthur s14e02-e03
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #16-17
- Book: The Little Liar (pp 276-333) {H} /f/
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 1-14)
12 (Friday)
- TV: Arthur s14e04
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #18-19
13 (Saturday)
- TV: Taskmaster s17e03
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #20-21
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 22)
- TV: Arthur s14e05
- Film: The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming (1966) B
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 15-30)
14 (Sunday)
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #22-24
- TV: Arthur s14e06-e07
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 31-149)
15 (Monday)
- TV: Arthur s14e08
- TV: Last Week Tonight s11e08
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #25-26
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 150-153)
16 (Tuesday)
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) #27-29
- TV: Arthur s14e09
17 (Wednesday)
- TV: The Office s9e11
- TV: Arthur s14e10•
- Comic: Animal Man (2011) Annual #1-2
18 (Thursday)
- Book: Marvel Masters of Suspense (pp 1-33)
- TV: Arthur s15e01
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 154-170)
19 (Friday)
- TV: Arthur s15e02
- Book: Marvel Masters of Suspense (pp 34-53)
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 171-173)
20 (Saturday)
- TV: Taskmaster s17e04
- Book: Marvel Masters of Suspense (pp 54-73)
- TV: Arthur s15e03
- Comic: Tidbits (2024) #1
- Comic: The Tale of The One-Inch Bozo (2024) #1
- Film: Wicked Little Letters (2024) {T} A-
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 174-210)
21 (Sunday)
- Book: Marvel Masters of Suspense (pp 74-103)
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 23)
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 211-265)
22 (Monday)
- TV: Last Week Tonight s11e09
- Book: Marvel Masters of Suspense (pp 104-128)
- Book: Blacktop Wasteland (pp 266-285) {H} /f/
23 (Tuesday)
- TV: Arthur s14e04-e05
- Book: Marvel Masters of Suspense (pp 129-154)
- Book: The Librarianist (pp 1-40)
24 (Wednesday)
- TV: The Office s9e12
- Book: Marvel Masters of Suspense (pp 155-179)
- TV: Arthur s15e06
- Film: Late Night With the Devil (2024) {T} C+
25 (Thursday)
- TV: Arthur s15e07
26 (Friday)
- Comic: The Brave and the Bold (1955) #112
- TV: Taskmaster s17e05
- Book: The Librarianist (pp 41-46)
27 (Saturday)
- Comic: The Brave and the Bold (1955) #128
- Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Chapter 24)
- Book: The Librarianist (pp 47-66)
28 (Sunday)
- TV: Arthur s15e08
- Comic: The Brave and the Bold (1955) #138
- Film: We Grown Now (2024) {T} B+
- Film: Doctor Dolittle (1967) C
- Book: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (pp 1-24)
29 (Monday)
- Comic: Mister Miracle (1971) #19
- Film: The Graduate (1967) A
- Book: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (pp 25-46)
30 (Tuesday)
- Comic: Mister Miracle (1971) #20
- TV: Arthur s15e09
- Film: In the Heat of the Night (1967) A
- Book: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow (pp 47-67)